The Mobile Lottery games are simple and easy with great user experience that is customizable for each region:

Client start the lottery application and selects the lottery game to play. Clients can use smart Native Apps or USSD Apps with full menu and functionalities for each game regardless of type of phone customer is using for Native Apps, USSD or SMS.

Client may also simply send game short codes indicating the numbers chosen to play for quick players.

Client is notified instantly by SMS to confirm the ticket purchase information along with its respective unique transaction IDs to identify ticket purchase, drawing date and time.

Drawing Process

As soon as respective drawings take place, Clients are notified by SMS of their results. Any funds won are automatically added to Client M-Wallets.

In addition to this, Clients may check winning numbers, previous play history, available balance and most played numbers as well as other Value-Added Services (VAS) data which potentially represent increment sales possibilities for operators.

Quick Pick

Quick pick type games allow users to select single or multiple numbers against the gaming system.

In addition to this, Clients may add other Value-Added Services (VAS):

  • Gaming & Betting Related Services
  • Customer Care and Support
  • Applications for dynamic content (Including Horoscope, Weather, News, Sport Events, Discounted Coupons based on location, referral programs, sales channels, bonus cash back options, and much more)